8 Ways to Help a Loved One Who is Recovering After Surgery

Surgery can be a stressful and overwhelming experience for anyone, especially those who have undergone a major procedure. However, as a family caregiver, you can play a crucial role in helping your parent or family member on their journey of recovering after surgery. 

Our team at Vivage, with senior rehabilitation communities across Colorado and Wyoming, is sharing ways that you can make this process easier for someone you love.

1. Be There for Them

Being present is one of the most important things you can do to help someone recovering after surgery. Spend time with them, listen to them, and offer words of encouragement. 

Your presence can be a great comfort to them, especially during the initial days when they might be feeling anxious and unsure.

2. Help with Daily Tasks 

After surgery, a person may have limited mobility, so they will need help with tasks like cooking, cleaning, and grocery shopping. Offer to take care of these tasks or hire someone if needed.

This can relieve some of the stress and pressure your family member may be feeling from having to manage these tasks on their own.

3. Ensure Proper Medication Management

It’s essential to follow the medication schedule as prescribed for pain management or to prevent complications, such as infections. Ensure your loved one takes their medications as directed and refills the prescriptions as needed. 

4. Provide a Healthy Diet

A healthy diet is crucial for effectively recovering after surgery. Ensure your loved one is consuming nutritious foods, and provide plenty of water to keep them hydrated. In addition, you can prepare healthy meals or stock up on healthy snacks for them. 

Be sure to ask their doctor if there are any restrictions on the types of foods they should be eating or if they have recommendations that would be best for the recovery process. 

5. Offer Emotional Support

Surgery can be a traumatic experience, and your loved one may experience a range of emotions during recovery. Listen to them and offer support when needed. 

Reassure your parent or family member that you are there for them and that they can rely on you during this challenging time.

6. Encourage Physical Activity

Depending on the type of surgery, your loved one may need to rest for a few days or weeks after surgery. However, it is essential to encourage them to be physically active once their doctor clears them. Simple exercises like walking or stretching can improve circulation and speed up the healing process.

One way to go about this is to utilize post-hospitalization rehabilitation services like we offer in our senior rehabilitation communities. At Vivage, our post-hospitalization rehabilitation services provide individuals with an environment designed specifically to ensure a safe, efficient recovery. Spacious suites, nutrition-specific dining options, and medical physicians and nurses are all available to promote improved health and wellness.

We provide in-house therapy services, including physical, occupational, speech, and respiratory, using modern equipment, expansive gyms, and data to track progress and outcomes.

7. Provide Entertainment

Recovering after surgery can be a tedious experience, especially if your loved one is confined to bed rest. Provide them with books, magazines, or their favorite movies to keep them entertained and engaged.

8. Arrange Follow-Up Appointments

A key part of the recovery process is follow-up appointments to make sure everything is healing correctly. Help your loved one arrange these appointments and ensure they are attending them. You could even offer to accompany them to their appointments for moral support. This can help them stay on track with their recovery.

Recovering after surgery can be challenging for anyone, but with your help, your loved one can make a smooth and quick recovery. By being there and helping them while they recover, you are making a big difference in the recovery process.

Our team at Vivage can help make your loved one’s recovery go even smoother. We invite you to explore our website or contact a member of our team to learn more about our senior rehabilitation communities.

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